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Diur Mugan With No Entrance Fee

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“Diur mugan with no entrance fee” refers to a model of protected housing—commonly known in Hebrew as “דיור מוגן בשכירות חודשית”—where residents are not required to pay a large, upfront deposit or entrance fee. Instead, they pay a fixed monthly fee that includes all costs (maintenance, services, and essentially the “rental” component that replaces the deposit).

This model is especially attractive for individuals who may not have sufficient funds for a one-time deposit or prefer to keep their savings liquid, as it eliminates the need to lock up a large sum of money at the start. The trade-off, however, is that the monthly fee is typically higher than in the traditional model that combines a deposit with lower monthly maintenance fees.

For example, many facilities offer this option to help seniors with steady monthly incomes (like pensions or rental income) manage their cash flow more effectively without having to sell assets or take on loans.

Such options are detailed in various resources; one article explains that in the “no deposit” model the entire cost of entry is spread out over higher monthly payments, while another source discusses how this model can be beneficial for those who need financial flexibility.

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